Wednesday, March 14, 2012

St. Patrick's Day FUN!

St. Patrick's Day brings a few things to mind; leprechauns, the color green, cabbage/corn beef, and if you're a ChiRish - the Green River.

WEEKENDSwithWHITNEY is excited to celebrate St. Patrick's Day as a true Chicagoan as we bring you an amazing episode full of all things "GREEN."

We start the show off with Murphy's Bleachers in Wrigleyville. They share their St. Patty's traditions; from green beer, corned beef, and their very own St. Patrick's Day contests. They shed light on why this holiday brings the green out in all of us!

Next up is Jamie Keeton but you may know him as "Can Head." You may have seen him from NASCAR or maybe even the Ellen DeGenerous show. Can Head has been featured at some of the top social and sporting events in the nation. He is one of 4 people in the world with natural body magnetism. Which means, the cans are legitimately magnetized to his skin. No gimmicks, no tricks, just pure science and a little bit of the unexplained. Learn how Can Head took his natural ability to the next level, (from pouring green beer off of his head, to sharing laughs and smiles with children at local hospitals), he brings charm and ability to the W3! show.

The WORLD famous Trinity Irish Dancers bring joy and excitement to fans across the globe and we're lucky enough to get them to sit still long enough for an amazing interview. They explain the traditions of their art form and the significance of Irish dancing in America. Don't miss this segment as the Irish Dancers teach Whitney a thing or two about dancing. Based on her line dancing roots, it's a segment full of laughs that you don't want to miss!

Lastly, W3! has a little fun with the idea of 'Irish Luck!' We all have superstitions but how much do they actually affect our decisions? Join Whitney as she brings along some pictures of unlucky items and breaks every "luck rule."

With Irish tradition in tow, Whitney will ask 3 people about their ideas on luck, and THEN ask them for their best 5 second Irish jig. Find out who does it best as Can Head and the Trinity Irish Dancers vote on the winner of these 3 Unlucky/Lucky Chicagoan's. The winner will be invited to our show's 1st Birthday Party in April.

Watch W3! EVERY Saturday and Sunday at 12pm on NBC Chicago Nonstop!***If you're not in the Chicagoland area check out to never miss an episode! Also, for the latest news and updates follow us on at @WeekendsWhitney on Twitter!***

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